.. BEST toolbox documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jul 9 21:52:50 2021. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ============================================ Presentations & Citation ============================================ If you use this method, and/or want to refer to our approach, examples, and discussion points, please cite the following paper: * `Hassan, U., Pillen, S., Zrenner, C. and Bergmann, T.O., 2022. The Brain Electrophysiological recording & STimulation (BEST) toolbox. Brain Stimulation, 15(1), pp.109-115. `_ Achievements ------------------------------------------------- * `The BEST toolbox made it to the cover of Brain Stimulation 2022nd 1st Issue. `_ Upcoming Events ------------------------------------------------- * `Detailed presentation of the BEST Toolbox is available at the yotube link here `_ We are considering and/or concretely planning to have BEST Toolbox workshops/webinars/posters in * `2022 (Apr), National Center for Neuromodulation for Rehab Seminar Series, Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Brain Stimulation Laboratory. `_ * `2022 (Jun), 47th Annual Conference of Psychology and the Brain at the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg. `_ * `2022 (Jul), Transcranial Brain Stimulation: Best Practice Course, Mainz & Göttingen. `_ Past Events ------------------------------------------------- Previous BEST Toolbox presentations took place at: * `2021 (Sep), Brainbox Initiative Conference 2021, Virtual Conference (Presentation) `_ * `2021 (Sep), 2nd Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation (FUN) Conference (Poster) `_ * `2021 (Jul), Brain Box Initiative Webinar Series `_ * `2020 (Nov), 7th International Conference on Non-invasive Brain Stimulation, 2020, Virtual Conference (Poster). `_ * `2020 (Sep), Brainbox Initiative Conference 2020, Virtual Conference (Poster). `_ * `2020 (Jun), OHBM 2020, Virtual Conference (Poster). `_ * `2019 (May), 7th Science Factory: TMS–EEG Summer School and Workshop, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finald (Poster). `_