.. User Manual - bossdevice research documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jul 9 21:52:50 2021. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ============================================ Issues, Bugs and Requests ============================================ You first have to sign up for an account or log in on GitHub, subsequently you can report the issue on the GitHub repositroty linked below: .. code-block:: matlab https://github.com/umair-hassan/best-toolbox/issues We automatically will receive an email and will follow up and keep you updated; i.e., you will get an email through GitHub whenever someone works on your issue. ---- Issues & Bugs Details =============================== The easier it is for one of the developers to reproduce your bug, the more likely it is that we’ll fix the problem. Good bug reports include a small test script and the data (i.e. mat file) required to reproduce the bug. Please create a small test script and a piece of data that are both as small and simple as possible to reproduce the problem. For example: a .mat file containing the bossdevice API class object and some screenshots can lead us to solve the issue. ----- Use Case Scenarios ================================= .. important:: Use cases, previous research papers that might have implemented those methods or a brief description about the feature requests can help our developers to create the smartest solution for you.